Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Swallow This

Along with my racing goal for 2012, I also have a couple more that pertain to living a healthy lifestyle and I will be sharing those over the next couple of days.

From the time I got pregnant with Kaitlyn to about a year after Collin was born, I took my vitamins faithfully...like my life depended on it.  For about a year and a half now, it's been hit or miss with me.  I will remember for a month or so and then miss a few days and before I know it, two months have gone by.  So, this year I plan to change that.

Along with my new scale, I also have a new bottle of Women's One A Day on my kitchen counter.  I was taking about five or six different vitamins, but I have decided to keep it simple for now...plus the very thought of fish oil burbs and that darn nasty after taste of the vitamin B complex has me wanting to dry heave a couple of times.  One vitamin, once a day...I can handle that.

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