Thursday, January 21, 2010

Whatcha Eating (the first edition)

I have been giving a lot of thought and research (not as much action or self control as I would like) in to finding ways to improve my diet. I have also enjoyed reading about and searching for clean eating recipes.
I don't know about you, but when I put junk it, I feel like junk. I *love* carbs and sugar and that's been my downfall. I am not a picky eater at all and will give most anything a try at least once. I love my veggies...especially green ones. I am not ready to go totally clean just yet...maybe down the road.
So, I am excited to share pictures of what I have been eating and/or recipes that I find...feel free to share too.

Lunch today - 2 hard boiled eggs (halved with pepper), 1/4 c of raisins, 1 whole zucchini (sliced and sprinkled with pepper and Parmesan cheese) broiled in the oven for a few minutes.


Melissa said...

Was the zucchini good? I need to get more veggies in my diet.

Beth said...

It was awesome!! I was surprised how good it was...I actually ate the same thing yesterday and was craving it again because I liked it so much. I think zucchini will be a regular on my shopping list now. Yesterday, I also had two scrambled eggs topped with a chopped green pepper...YUM!

Peaceful Chaoz said...


So did you just google clean recipes and eating or how are you finding out how to eat "clean" I have heard of it before but never checked it out.

Saralyn said...

If you want to try any of the weird stuff before you buy it, let me know. I've got nearly every bean imaginable, quinoa, brown rice, kamut flour, stevia, kombucha, and other oddities. I'm not exactly sure what "clean" eating is, but we're "traditional" eaters. I think it might be similar but traditional diets don't limit fat. Come over and we'll nosh!

Denise said...

heh, your lunch looks familiar! just be careful you don't fall into the same trap as me. with eating clean i'm not getting nearly enough calories as i need to support the running.