Wednesday, January 6, 2010

If the shoe fits...

Shoes are the single most important thing to a runner.

I went to a Running store back before my first CRIM almost two years ago and was measured and fitted with a pair of Asics. Before this, I was a die hard Nike fan and wore nothing but. I was, however, willing to give this new brand a try and it was instant love after my first run in them. I have gotten Asics ever since...same make and everything...Asics Gel Nimbus 10, size 8.5. Loved em!

I have a lot of miles on the shoes that I have. I trained for the CRIM and my half Marathon in them. I am sure I have hundreds of miles on them and it shows. I have worn two holes almost straight through the back in both shoes and the soles are pretty worn down. After getting money for Christmas, I was certain it was time for a new pair....looking around, my Gel Nimbus 10s are the thing of the past, which almost put me in to hysterics. I hate change.

So, after much thought, I decided that I would, in fact, give the next model a try and go with the Asics Gel Nimbus 11s. They came yesterday and I have yet to try them out. Today is a rest day in my training schedule so I will have to settle for short walks around the house and long stares at them laying in the box.

They are going to have to win me over because of the year I had with my old shoes.

1 comment:

Hollie said...

I'm sure you'll love 'em! I don't think they'd take your old ones away without leaving you with better ones! Did you put it in your training log you got a new pair?!? Can't wait to see how many miles these shoes take you!