Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Two Evils

We have snow. I guess I have been in denial. This is, after all, December which means workouts usually get moved indoors where we live. I hate getting on my treadmill. It's about 6 years old, has a skinny little track, and rocks when I run on it.

Today, I just couldn't imagine doing four miles on the thing. I remembered that I had a shield for my jogger that I haven't used since Collin was a wee little guy. So, I bundled the boys up after taking Kait to school, and off we went. They thought it was pretty neat. I don't know what's worse...pushing almost 100 pounds through the snow or running on my treadmill facing a cement wall. :-) I did four miles today though, despite the weather.

Tuesdays are my weigh in days. I ran off my Thanksgiving damage and now have a goal of 5 more by the end of the month just in time to start my marathon training.

A few pics of my little sleigh riders for your enjoyment:

yes, those blobs are my boys.

I popped open the shield to get a closer look.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun sleigh ride for the boys- not so fun for Mommy though! Your dedication to fitness and health inspite of certain conditions is one to be admired. I'm sure it would have been easier to stay inside and put exercise at the bottom of the "to do" list, but you got out and did it anyway. Definitely an inspiration to many. Thanks!

Saralyn said...

Silly questions, but what kind of socks do you wear in this cold and wet weather and how do you keep your butt from freezing? We don't have a treadmill and I've been too wimpy to run outside since Thanksgiving weekend. Gotta get motivated!

Beth said...

Saralyn~ I have adidas socks that I wear...just avoid an all cotton material. I don't have winter running clothes. I just layer, layer, layer. I wear regular black stretch pants from Walmart...I just ignore the fact that I can't feel my butt and thighs. I figure I should take advantage of it...most the time they get in the way. Ha ha!