Saturday, December 5, 2009

26.2 in 16 weeks

I have a few goals for 2010. One of them being to finish my first marathon. It will probably be the ugliest race I have ever run, but I want that 26.2 really bad...and I will run one in May.

So, I have started to do my research. I can wing the other distances. All the others I have "trained" myself with no plans required. For this distance, I will need a plan. Most of what I am finding says that I can train for a marathon in 16 weeks...sounds good to me. It is kind of intimidating to look at the schedule that I printed out and see a long run being 18 miles...I can't imagine. The first two months of training will be difficult with the weather, but no pain, no gain.

First things first, I need to drop a little extra weight before I start training. Keeping your running at a steady level throughout the year counters the age-related weight gain that plagues most people (the average American gains one to 1.5 pounds a year after the age of 25). I have read that for each pound lost, it allows you to run 1-2 seconds faster/mile. Another theory is that every pound of body fat over ideal weight costs you 2.5 seconds. How true either of those are, I have no idea...but, the truth is, I am not at my ideal racing weight and I need to get there before training for this thing.

Any healthy goals for 2010?


1 comment:

Jamie said...

I am so excited to run a marathon with you girls! Only problem, I cannot do Rockford on May 16th, because Olivia has a gymnastics meet that day. Since I am first and foremost a proud mamma, I have to choose her over myself! Can we look at other dates, locations?