Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pumping Iron...

I found out at a recent appointment (my annual that has become not so annual since having my youngest little man) that I am anemic. I was beginning to wonder what was going on with me but chalked it up to a side affect of living my vida loca. I should have known...I was anemic when pregnant with Kaitlyn and there have been several times where I was just on the verge of not being able to give blood because of my low hemoglobin.

So, I started my high potency iron Easter Sunday and I am determined to faithfully take them up until my marathon along with all of my other vitamins. I am looking forward to feeling energized and not so dizzy. Could this be why my heart murmur is a lot more prevalent than it has been?

Along with my vitamins, I am getting back on track with my diet. The past month, it's been filled with sugar, processed junk, and a little too much sodium...especially over spring break. It was fun while it lasted (well, maybe for the first two or three days) but it left me feeling sick and with a few extra pounds around my mid section...why are they so easy to put on but so very hard to take off??!!

Wisconsin Marathon - 25 Days and Counting!!!

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