Thursday, April 15, 2010

Worn out...

My shoes, that is. A little too soon, if you ask me. It seems quite ridiculous how quickly one wears out a pair of shoes while training for a marathon. But, my shoes that I got back in January are starting to give me problems and it's time. It helps that I received the pair that I will be running my marathon in as a gift. You know the drill...same make, same model...different color (I had the purple and silver model and decided to go with the pink ones this time). Here they all their glorious pinkness:

I went for my first run in them and it was truly as if I was running on a cloud...the nimbus kind. Much better. It was love after first run.

So, I say farewell to the Purple People Passers (I name everything).
You've been good to me.
You have taken me 400 plus miles
and softened the road during the longest run I have yet to run.
Although I would have liked to keep you longer
You're killin my feet man.
such is training
It was meant to be.
You will enjoy retirement
where all the others go to live out the remainder of their life
It's an easy life
slower paced
hospital living
Taking me where I need to go at work.

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