Sunday, April 11, 2010

It was only until recently that I became comfortable saying that I am a runner. When coworkers would ask, "So, you're a runner, huh?" I would just tell them that I didn't really consider myself a runner but I did like to run. For some reason, I had the idea that I had to run a certain number of races, be incredibly fast, or know more of the ropes than I do to be considered a part of this family. Yes, not only do I love to run but now consider myself a runner.

Here's a few on my list of "You know you're a runner when..." :

You know you're a runner when instead of having your meals planned out for the week, you have your distances all written down and planned out for the week.

You know you're a runner when random people stop in around town and say, "Hey, aren't you the girl I see running all over town?"

You know you're a runner when you have a tan line around your arm where your ipod usually goes.

You know you're a runner when you put on a pair of socks and before you have a chance to put your shoes on your kids automatically think you are going out for a run.

You know you're a runner when you get excited when you drive by a Dicks.

You know you're a runner when you'd take an issue of Runner's World over an issue of People or Redbook any day.

You know you're a runner when you aren't worried about running out of gas because you know you could always run home.

You know you're a runner when your only thought after being asked, "Is there anything you would rather be doing?" is that you'd rather be running.

You know you're a runner when running ranks right up there with being intimate with your spouse.

And finally...

You know you're a runner when you lace up your shoes and go out for a run even when you don't feel like it...because you know that you've never regretted a run after you've gotten home but always regret skipping one.

1 comment:

Hollie said...

You know your best friend's a runner when people come up to you and say, "Hey, aren't you that girl I see runing all over town?" And you reply, "No, that's my best friend, Beth!"

Love you Friend... Happy Running!