Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week Ten ~ Completed

I feel like I am back. This week was a good training week for me. I stayed right on course. Yesterday, I went out with Jamie to attempt out long run in terrible weather (rain and wind). I can handle running in the rain, but when it's cold and windy, I would rather not. So, we managed 9 miles and called it a day. We were hoping for better weather today...I was thankful that the rain had stopped and it was slightly warmer, but the wind was worse. Wind, I have discovered, I just can't do wind. It's fine when it's at my back. I pick up the pace and feel like a real running rockstar...turn the corner and it's all over. So, we got in another nine this afternoon. One of these windy days I would love to just run with the wind at my back until my Garmin says I have gone the distance I set out to go and then call for a ride home. Anyway, I was determined to get my 18 in today no matter what. So, I went out this evening for another 9 at the gym. Might I add, on the way to the gym I have to drive by the Dairy Queen that has opened back up for the about torture!!! I want a blizzard already this year!

Mileage for this week: 38 miles...I have almost hit the 400 mark for this year!

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