Thursday, March 4, 2010

My favorite 10 miles...

I remember when signing up for my most favorite race, The CRIM, felt like I was signing my life away. It felt crazy to think that I would be able to run a 10 mile race. It was 2008, and I was new to this long distance racing stuff. The longest I had gone was 6.2 miles and that felt like death to me. Funny what you can do when you become crazy addicted! Ten miles seems like a welcome something I know I can do. I have big plans for The CRIM 2010. The city of Flint: I actually look forward to seeing you again...and that blue line too. On August 28th, 2010, that's where I will be, right outside of where I said "I do" (maybe that's why I like this race so much).

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