Saturday, March 20, 2010

Twenty Miles

It was a long time coming, but yesterday I completed a twenty mile run.

Jamie and I decided that it would be best if we went out to the trail so that we wouldn't be tempted to stop by home and never go back out for the second half. It was a gorgeous day and the trail was beautiful and peaceful. We did an out a back. The first ten miles we completed in about 1:44 and they felt pretty good. It was a comfortable pace. My hip started to really bother me on the way back, but it was nice knowing that we were headed back and the only way we could get home is to keep going. The second half was a little slower than the first but once I saw the end in sight, I forgot all the pain and sprinted to the finish. Twenty miles completed in a little under 4 hours.

My stomach felt pretty good on this run. I chose to only bring along a breakfast bar to eat at the ten mile turn around...I wish I would have brought more to eat along the way. I have never been more hungry or thirsty after finishing a long run. I came home and ate a pancake, a piece of toast, an egg, and a half of a kielbasa!

This twenty miles has gotten me really excited about my marathon. Don't get me wrong, the run was both painful and wonderful all at the same time...but the longer I go, the more I know I can accomplish this goal...I think I am going to look at this race as two tens and two 5Ks. One more twenty and it's time to start cutting back.