Sunday, February 7, 2010

Training Week Five

I am sore.
The route was way too hilly for this girl who's used to flat terrain or running on a treadmill.
I would have taken 16 miles on the treadmill any day over the rolling hills I ran today...well, actually that's not true.
But, I have heard that hills are tempo runs in disguise
and it was so nice to run and chat with a friend.

The first 6 miles were great. We kept a 10:15 pace, which was really comfortable and left us both able to talk back and forth with one another.

I downed a GU packet right before heading out the front door of the church (we ran from church to home - the back way). It was pretty nasty and a little too much, but I got it down. About 45 minutes later, I downed another and it was almost more than I could take. The thought of ever eating one of those again about sends me in to dry heaves. I need to figure something else out.

Around mile 6 or so is when the big, giant, never ending hills started. Our pace slowed a bit. I was starting to feel my calf tighten up and pain shoot up my right leg. I focused on my music and then next short stop for water.

It was around mile 10 that I ate an energy bar my mother-in-law made that was oh so good. I had little to no stomach issues during this long run. I was relieved because it was my biggest fear about running a one way run bathrooms.

Mile twelve the pain got a little bit worse and my running buddy was in a lot of pain too. I am not used to the hills and the wear and tear on the legs.

We ended up going 14 miles and calling for a ride. My heart wanted to keep going, to run through the pain...but my body, I am afraid would have been really sorry for listening. I can't risk a serious injury now. Sometimes you just have to put the will to not give up aside because you'll be better off in the end.

Next week says 18 miles and I hope my body does too. We are looking in to a different course that's a lot more flat...a nine mile loop would be good to give us the option of a bathroom stop.

Weekly total : 32 miles.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

We had to listen to our bodies! My body thanks you today for not listening to your heart just this one time. Flat course next week, and we will conquer 18!