Monday, February 1, 2010


At the end of this week, I am scheduled to do a 16 mile run. It will be the longest distance I have ever gone at one time. I am getting to the point where performance and recovery is pretty important. When the mileage starts getting up there, the body needs the proper fuel and hydration and I am new at this. I am about to go beyond what I am used to...leaving home with just my ipod and Garmin. Now, I will have to add water and fuel to that too (it's recommended for any strenuous workout over 90 minutes).

I have been looking in to how to best fuel my workouts. My Mom brought me a Fitness Magazine on her recent trip out and I was pleased to find an article all about Alternative Energy...gels, bars, and protein shakes. One of the highlighted products: GU Energy Gel. Anyone out there tried it? Have any opinions on it?

Now I am left wondering if I should go out and get a few to try or just pack a few handfuls or raisins and a couple of cookies?


Melissa said...

Not that I'm a experienced runner or anything; but when I looked into gels I ended up figuring that the Powerbar brand were best for me. They have the same amount of electrolytes as a sports drink which the other brands did not, so I will not have to worry about carrying that as well. They had about the same calories and carbs as the Gu brand. They also have your choice of caffeine. I thought the energy that it gave me on Sunday was about the same as the dried fruit I ate for my 14 miles, though. (I brought cookies on that run too, but I could barely choke them down at that point) But it was a lot less bulky to carry than dried fruit and cookies. The consistancy was rather nasty. We'll see how it compares on longer runs this weekend. Another thing is that I cannot for the life of me find anywhere around here that carries the Gu brand. The Powerbar brand was much easier for me to find in the stores (although not the flavors I wanted to try).

Melissa said...

Oh, and take it before you feel the need to. At that point it's not going to work as well. I took mine about at the 45 minute mark.

Denise said...

so it basically comes down to what your stomach can tolerate. me, personally, i can't handle gels. they give me MAJOR stomach problems. i swear by the clif shot bloks. for long runs and marathons, i eat one blok every 2.5miles. my stomach handles the little amounts of sugar better than dumping 3 bloks into my system at once. as for fluid, i only drink water. even during races, i won't take what the water stations have. i really suggest testing different things out to see what you like and what works for you. but you're right, you're at the point where you need to eat during the long runs.