Friday, October 30, 2009


It's not a secret that we all like quick, easy, and convenient. It can be a real pitfall when it comes to snacking...or even meals for that matter. It's easier to grab a cookie than to peel carrots or cut up an apple.

Since running season is over, I have to get back on track and focus on how much I am eating. I am so used to being able to eat basically whatever I want, but now that I am not putting in the miles like I do from April-October I need to watch it.

When I was doing weight watchers after I had Landon, it really helped me to measure out everything I was going to eat for the day for breakfast and lunch and set it aside. That way I could actually see what I was going to be eating. It made it easier to not wander to the cupboards.

Get in to the habit of washing all fruits and veggies when you get home from grocery shopping. Sometimes, that's the thing that gets me from grabbing something healthy first...I just don't want to take the time to wash something...I would rather just open a wrapper or reach in a box.

On a tight budget? Don't want to spend the extra cash for the packaging of those 100 cal snacks?? Measure out your own at the start of your week. Use the little snack will make the 100 calories look like a lot more.

Bottom line....measure and plan ahead. Happy eating!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Once I settle in to my pace around mile two, I like slower songs and songs that are not so heavy. I really like Beyonce. I don't consider myself boodtylicious, I am not a single lady, and Dan is definitely not replacable, but her songs get stuck in my head. So, here's a suggestion for your playlist. :-)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another Season Over

We finished our last race of the season on Sunday. It's been a good one! Here's to an even better season next year!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Keep on...

The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.

~Unknown Author

And may I add...

Life is a highway so keep driving!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ultra Goal

Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive.

~Robert H. Schuller

I had a crazy idea on Saturday.
It always seems to happen when I am bored.
I had a crazy idea while pregnant with my last child that I could run a ten mile race.
I have finished two so far.
It's a tradition that I don't intend to break.
I had a crazy idea after my last ten mile race that I could run 13.1.
I ran 13.1 and loved it.

Saturday, I had the crazy idea of setting a date for my first marathon.
I picked a tentative date of May 16th, 2010...I will be 28. Lucky?
That gives me time to do two more before my 30th birthday.
Then, I got a crazy idea.
Ultra comes to mind.
I have set a goal to complete my first Ultra Marathon within the next two years.
I am looking in to a few.
The soonest being the end of next summer.

Run for 10 hours? Sounds like a plan to me.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Your body

If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the one who comes up on the short end.
~Julius Erving

I work at a hospital. I see many different patients come in and out of there...many, over half, are overweight. I talk with them and the most revealing part:I get to see their lab results. You cannot convince me that being overweight is at all healthy.

Obesity is defined simply as too much body fat. Your body is made up of water, fat, protein, carbohydrate and various vitamins and minerals. If you have too much fat — especially in your waist area — you're at higher risk for health problems, including high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

-58 Million Overweight; 40 Million Obese; 3 Million morbidly Obese
-Eight out of 10 over 25's Overweight
-78% of American's not meeting basic activity level recommendations
-25% completely Sedentary
-76% increase in Type II diabetes in adults 30-40 yrs old since 1990

See up there, the bold? Eighty percent of people over 25 are overweight! We have to do something about this. It starts with you, living a healthy lifestyle for your children to see. Start with the kind of food you buy, the portion sizes they are getting. Make exercise a priority and include them. My kids know that when Mommy gets her sweats on and heads for the closet for her running shoes that I am getting ready to go out and get some exercise. Take the opportunity to explain it to them. Let them ride their bike while you make an attempt at jogging (I always say that everyone has a runner in them somewhere). Play a game of tag or one on one soccer. Show them that exercise and eating healthy is something that is very important. It's never too late.

Want to find your BMI*? Here's a neat calculator.

*The body mass index (BMI), is the measurement that compares a person's weight and height to determine the overall fitness of the individual. BMI calculation does not actually measure percentage of total body fat, but it is a tool used to estimate what is considered a healthy weight based on a persons height.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Get Fit Tip...

Know your portion sizes!

Did you know that a single serving of pasta is only 2 oz? And in those 2 oz is around 200 calories! Do you know what 2 oz of pasta looks like? Let me show you...

That's not a lot of pasta is it? If you're like me you like to fill that plate and go back for seconds! The calories add up where you least expect them so know your portions!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I don't know about you, but my ipod is a big source of motivation on a challenging run. I have different playlists for different distances. Really, any type of music goes, I've got it all on there. Now, there is stuff that I wouldn't listen to while soaking in the tub or have on for backgroud music...but, it sure does fuel my workout.

Here's a suggestion that keeps me going:

Fire It Up by Thousand Foot Krutch

The first couple words of the song always give me a little push:

I've got a bad case of turnin it up.


Monday, October 12, 2009


I have never really liked taking them, but only taken them when I have had to.

I took a prenatal faithfully when pregnant with all three of my blessings and then a few months after having them while breast feeding. After that, though, I totally stopped. It's been a couple months now that I have been faithfully taking a whole handful to help with my PMDD (boy, have they made a difference).

It very, very rare that anyone gets the nutrition that their body needs from diet alone. Everyone is lacking something, I don't care who you are. Here's a run down of a few that I am taking (and recommend) and their benefits:

Multi-vitamin - The body needs vitamins to function properly. There are 13 essential vitamins that help with that. Taking a multivitamin helps to prevent deficiency. It also can help combat disease, help reduce stress, and boost your immune system. Just don't stop here though.

Vitamin B complex - Vitamin B complex is a group of vitamins that includes thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B-6, folate, B-12, pantothenic acid, biotin and choline. Some of the benefits of vitamin B complex supplements include increased energy, improved or more stable moods, healthier skin, hair and eyes. The vitamins are important for proper nervous system and immune system function. Those with sluggish metabolisms or problems controlling their weight often benefit from vitamin B complex supplements.

Calcium (with Vitamin D) - You’ve heard it now and probably many times before. You need calcium to prevent osteoporosis. But a lack of this mineral means more than weak bones. Key organs and bodily functions, like your heart and metabolism, need calcium to operate at their best. Yet only 21 percent of us are getting the recommended amount of calcium, according to federal government statistics. Calcium also helps keep the weight off.

Fish oil - Not only is it good for your cardiovascular health, it also helps to alleviate symptoms of depression. It has also been shown to prevent breast, colon, and prostate cancer.

Vitamin A and C are a good idea too!

Are you taking anything else?? Chime in with what and it's benefits.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Quotes That Inspire

Good friends are good for your health.

~Irwin Sarason

How about you? Do you have friends that are "good for your health"? Do you have friends that push you, inspire you, encourage you to live a healthier lifestyle? Are you this type of friend?

Too often, friends gather to socialize around food.
They set out to exercise together and end up slowing it down and talking the whole time.
They're too soft and say, "Oh, you always have tomorrow."

I've done it too. It's no wonder why we live in the fattest country in the world. We have learned not to push ourselves too hard. It's too much work to go that distance. We work for nothing and expect everything. We pop pills because we have learned that instant gratification and instant results is what we deserve. We make excuses for ourselves as to why we are overweight.

I know what my closest friends are capable of. I would rather them hate me for pushing them too hard in a workout or expecting too much out of them, than to watch their health go down the drain and appease them with lip service.

What kind of friend are you going to be today? Encourage someone. Go the extra mile with someone when you feel like quitting. You might be surprised just how strong you really are.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Calorie Deficit...

Let's talk calories...

1 Pound = 3,500 Calories

As I said before I'm creating a calorie deficit... I'm burning more calories then I eat. If you think about it, it's really the best way to lose weight. I think the one of the biggest misunderstandings with weight loss is when people think, "Oh, I burned 300 calories today in exercise so now I get to eat 300 more calories!" WRONG!

So how do you figure out your calorie deficit? Let's break it down...

Everyone has what is called their BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). It's the calories you burn to sustain vital body functions like your breathing and your heart rate... among other things. This is basically like free calorie burning because you don't need to do anything and calories are being burned. My BMR is around 1500 calories. In order for my body to sustain itself it burns 1500 calories a day. If I am only eating 1200 calories a day then I already have a deficit of 300 because I am eating 300 calories less then what my body burns to function.

You with me so far?
My long term goal is to fit into those size 6 jeans so in order to do that I figure I need to lose roughly 20 to 25 pounds (I'm shooting for 25). I started at 155 pounds so that would would put me around 130-135 pounds when I reach my goal. So, in order to obtain my goal I've decided to go with a deficit of 500. If I maintain my deficit it will take me 5 months and 25 days to get to 130 pounds.
Now remember my BMR? It was 1500... by doing nothing... nothing at all... I'm burning 1500 calories. I'm only eating 1200 calories so I'm already starting out with a 300 calorie deficit. The other 200 I need to burn with exercise!
Remember that in order to lose one pound you need to burn 3,500 calories and if you're putting more calories into your body than are being burned then you will be going no where! You'll be left wondering why it is you're not losing any weight!
HERE is a great website to help you better understand the calorie deficit. If you want to know how to figure out what your BMR is go HERE, and if you want to figure out what your deficit should be in order to reach your weight loss goal go HERE.
Any questions?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Two Pitfalls to Avoid

Pitfall #1

Are you drinking your daily calorie allowance away? When trying to lose weight, avoid these: coffee drinks, bottled juices, smoothies, and pop. They are loaded with sugar and some pack as many calories as a small meal...and some wonder why they aren't losing weight. For instance, you may think you are making a healthy choice when drinking a 16 oz smoothie, but they can have around 300 caloires. You are better off taking the fruit or veggies and eating them raw. Are you craving some flavor in your drink? Try those crystal light drink mixes. Some have as few as 5 calories per serving. If you are currently drinking 12 ounces of soda (this doesn't include the coffee drinks, smoothies, and juices) a day, that could add up to a weight gain of 15 pounds a year. One of the reasons why water is my drink of choice.

Pitfall #2

Are you really working out? Too often, we walk for thirty minutes on the treadmill barely breaking a sweat and pat ourselves on the back for the nice workout. If people have hit a plateau or haven't been able to lose weight period, I often ask how hard they are working out.

Two questions to ask yourself:

  • are you able to talk through your entire workout?

  • three to five minutes in to your workout are you sweating?

If you are able to hold a conversation during your workout, you are not working hard enough and will not get the results that you are looking for. Not sweating 2-3 minutes in to your workout, you need to turn things up a bit. If you are used to working out at the same intensity everyday and seeing no results, it's time to pick it up. The more in shape you are or get, the more you will have to push yourself. After a good workout, you should be out of breath, your heartrate should be up, and you should be sweating like a pig. Make it a goal to push yourself this week.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Keep Going

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

~Jim Ryun

Studies have shown that it takes 66 days to form a habit. How accurate that is, I have no idea. All I know is that it only takes one day to screw it all up. One day of telling yourself you'll pick back up where you left off day becomes two, two becomes three, and before you know it you are back where you started or maybe even farther out.

So, before you are tempted to "take some time off", remind yourself that this is a lifestyle change. Don't. Let. Yourself. Give. Up. Think back to what motivated yourself in the first place. Before you know it, exercise will become like the air you need to breathe.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Journey

Let me first introduce myself. My name is Beth. I have been married to Dan for six and a half years. We have three gorgeous kids who are 5, 4, and 2. I work (about 20 hours a week) as a phlebotomist. I am a runner but haven't always been. It started out of desperation...not only a need for me time but also a desire to not believe the lies that I was a wife and Mom now and my body would never be the same. It all started with a blue double jogger stroller and a goal...a goal to get back in to my wedding dress.

I too have struggled with my weight...and I have got the pictures to prove it. It's embarrassing, but I wanted to show everyone that I have been there too. So, here we go :

Beginning of '03...just about two months or so before getting married...5'8" and about 155...not too bad...I was never a stick in highschool...I was average weight.

My wedding day...March 22, 2003...about 145...stress is always good for dropping a few.

Six months post wedding...155

A few days after having my first child...a whopping 190

A month or two after having my first child...miserable...size 16 and hating what I see in the mirror...but, I am a Mom now and my body is gone least that's the excuse I was using.

A few months after having my first born...her 14...everything is large...still unhappy...I packed away pre pregnancy clothes and never expected to see them again.

Pregnant with my second child...we wasted no time...atleast I could hide behind the pregnancy...and wear maternity clothes.

Just after having my second child

A month or so after having my second child...180
(excuse my one year old)

Christmas 2005...I had enough...I cut carbs...started riding my stationary bike

The year 2006, I said goodbye to my baby weight forever. I started by running .25 mile and walking the other 1.75. Little by little, I built up my endurance...all while pushing my two little ones in a double jogger. There are no excuses!

I got pregnant again the end of the year, after all of that hard work. I knew I wasn't going back to almost 200 pounds. I kept running, kept active, and watched my diet. I ran up until about 34 weeks. Stepped on the scale at the very end and I was at 176. Just a few months later, I was back to where I was before and determined to come back better, healthier than ever.

I ran my first race in June 2008 (a 10K) and that's when it all began. Most recently, September 27th, 2009, I finished my first half marathon.

September the best shape of my life...maintaining my weight in the upper 130's

I am living proof that you can get back in to your wedding dress and you don't have to believe that your body is gone forever. It's It takes effort and dedication, but no food is better than fitting in to your skinny jeans...nor is it better than going upstairs and not feeling winded... or seeing that your blood work is back to normal (had to add that last one, working in a lab and all).

I am looking forward to sharing my journey, tips, quotes that inspire me, a suggestion for your playlist, and much more. I hope that I will inspire and encourage you on your journey to healthy, active living. This will be fun!