Friday, October 30, 2009


It's not a secret that we all like quick, easy, and convenient. It can be a real pitfall when it comes to snacking...or even meals for that matter. It's easier to grab a cookie than to peel carrots or cut up an apple.

Since running season is over, I have to get back on track and focus on how much I am eating. I am so used to being able to eat basically whatever I want, but now that I am not putting in the miles like I do from April-October I need to watch it.

When I was doing weight watchers after I had Landon, it really helped me to measure out everything I was going to eat for the day for breakfast and lunch and set it aside. That way I could actually see what I was going to be eating. It made it easier to not wander to the cupboards.

Get in to the habit of washing all fruits and veggies when you get home from grocery shopping. Sometimes, that's the thing that gets me from grabbing something healthy first...I just don't want to take the time to wash something...I would rather just open a wrapper or reach in a box.

On a tight budget? Don't want to spend the extra cash for the packaging of those 100 cal snacks?? Measure out your own at the start of your week. Use the little snack will make the 100 calories look like a lot more.

Bottom line....measure and plan ahead. Happy eating!

1 comment:

Peaceful Chaoz said...

Started this, this week actually! So much easier! :0)