Monday, October 12, 2009


I have never really liked taking them, but only taken them when I have had to.

I took a prenatal faithfully when pregnant with all three of my blessings and then a few months after having them while breast feeding. After that, though, I totally stopped. It's been a couple months now that I have been faithfully taking a whole handful to help with my PMDD (boy, have they made a difference).

It very, very rare that anyone gets the nutrition that their body needs from diet alone. Everyone is lacking something, I don't care who you are. Here's a run down of a few that I am taking (and recommend) and their benefits:

Multi-vitamin - The body needs vitamins to function properly. There are 13 essential vitamins that help with that. Taking a multivitamin helps to prevent deficiency. It also can help combat disease, help reduce stress, and boost your immune system. Just don't stop here though.

Vitamin B complex - Vitamin B complex is a group of vitamins that includes thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B-6, folate, B-12, pantothenic acid, biotin and choline. Some of the benefits of vitamin B complex supplements include increased energy, improved or more stable moods, healthier skin, hair and eyes. The vitamins are important for proper nervous system and immune system function. Those with sluggish metabolisms or problems controlling their weight often benefit from vitamin B complex supplements.

Calcium (with Vitamin D) - You’ve heard it now and probably many times before. You need calcium to prevent osteoporosis. But a lack of this mineral means more than weak bones. Key organs and bodily functions, like your heart and metabolism, need calcium to operate at their best. Yet only 21 percent of us are getting the recommended amount of calcium, according to federal government statistics. Calcium also helps keep the weight off.

Fish oil - Not only is it good for your cardiovascular health, it also helps to alleviate symptoms of depression. It has also been shown to prevent breast, colon, and prostate cancer.

Vitamin A and C are a good idea too!

Are you taking anything else?? Chime in with what and it's benefits.

1 comment:

Peaceful Chaoz said...

Great post about vitamins! We are all about them and its always nice to hear about others!

We do the same ones as you, we add in Vitamin C (very slowly increasing) in the winter. Sort of fallen away from being consistent though so this was a good reminder! :0)