Friday, October 9, 2009

Calorie Deficit...

Let's talk calories...

1 Pound = 3,500 Calories

As I said before I'm creating a calorie deficit... I'm burning more calories then I eat. If you think about it, it's really the best way to lose weight. I think the one of the biggest misunderstandings with weight loss is when people think, "Oh, I burned 300 calories today in exercise so now I get to eat 300 more calories!" WRONG!

So how do you figure out your calorie deficit? Let's break it down...

Everyone has what is called their BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). It's the calories you burn to sustain vital body functions like your breathing and your heart rate... among other things. This is basically like free calorie burning because you don't need to do anything and calories are being burned. My BMR is around 1500 calories. In order for my body to sustain itself it burns 1500 calories a day. If I am only eating 1200 calories a day then I already have a deficit of 300 because I am eating 300 calories less then what my body burns to function.

You with me so far?
My long term goal is to fit into those size 6 jeans so in order to do that I figure I need to lose roughly 20 to 25 pounds (I'm shooting for 25). I started at 155 pounds so that would would put me around 130-135 pounds when I reach my goal. So, in order to obtain my goal I've decided to go with a deficit of 500. If I maintain my deficit it will take me 5 months and 25 days to get to 130 pounds.
Now remember my BMR? It was 1500... by doing nothing... nothing at all... I'm burning 1500 calories. I'm only eating 1200 calories so I'm already starting out with a 300 calorie deficit. The other 200 I need to burn with exercise!
Remember that in order to lose one pound you need to burn 3,500 calories and if you're putting more calories into your body than are being burned then you will be going no where! You'll be left wondering why it is you're not losing any weight!
HERE is a great website to help you better understand the calorie deficit. If you want to know how to figure out what your BMR is go HERE, and if you want to figure out what your deficit should be in order to reach your weight loss goal go HERE.
Any questions?


Jamie said...

Wow, you really have thought this out! Good for you!

Peaceful Chaoz said...

Thanks for sharing this, those sites you gave have really helped me! :0)