Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Something Different

A few months back, I canceled my gym membership.  It was something I knew I needed to do.  Not only did I feel like money was being wasted on something every month that I rarely used, but I also felt that it was softening me up.  I couldn't handle the elements, the hills, the whatever anymore.  This is just me personally...I know plenty of people that use the gym correctly and have awesome results...I was just not one of those people toward the end.

Back in the beginning of January, I fell on the ice.  I slammed down hard on my side and really hurt my hip.  Did I head right over to the doctor to get it checked out you ask?  Nope, not this girl.  I would rather moan and complain to my hubby...and then suck it up and go out for a run on it, all the while telling myself how tough I am...sigh.  Anyway, it has really been bothering me.  I think it's because I have upped my workouts and mileage over the past two or three weeks.  The pain is more noticeable now and sometimes in the evenings has me limping around here like I am 90 years old.

I work at a hospital.  One of the perks that comes along with that is that I get to use their fitness center (which is nothing special...at all...but, hey, it's free) for free.  I think I really need to cut back on the pounding several times a week and switch it up to see if that helps.  So, yesterday was my first day back in the gym.

The treadmill is like a comfort blankey to me.  I run.  I know how to run.  I know how to use a treadmill.  So, not only did I run 3miles at 5AM with my running buddy, I got on the treadmill and did three miles.  My hip was killing me last night (probably because I did a total of 8 miles after all was said and done).  Today, I went out of my comfort zone a bit.  After I did 5 on the elliptical, I gave the rowing machine a try...man, was that fun!  I am looking forward to going back there tomorrow and rowing my little heart out...but I might need to eventually get some gloves because it kinda killed my palms.  I am going to try lower impact a few times a week and see if it helps.  If not, I am giving myself until the end of March and then dragging my butt in to the doctor to see what is going on.

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