Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Sunday, I went out with my marathon running buddy (and good friend) and ran my first trail run this year. To our surprise there was still quite a bit of snow left on the trail that made some parts of it a really good workout...almost like running in sand. It was nice to be outside in the sunshine...with my friend who has been beside me for some of the hardest miles of my life. After we finished our 6 miles and said goodbye, I called my sister (who I miss terribly) and told her that I loved running again. I am thankful that I am able to hop on a treadmill and get my run in that way, but my eyes were opened on Sunday to just how much it's been cramping my style...and boring me to death. When we had one more mile to go, I let loose and upped my speed...and it felt great. So great, that we're going to make a habit of it now that it's March and the weather is supposed to be getting nicer.

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