Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Running Free"

Yesterday morning, when I drove by the bank, the thermometer said fifty-eight degrees. It was an ideal day for a run outside...temps that I have been waiting for since the beginning of November. I saw a bunch of people all over taking advantage of the beautiful weather. My time came during the two hours I have alone every Wednesday evening...a wonderful break in the middle of the week. I didn't even think to charge my Garmin after my five miles on Sunday. I was bummed when I strapped it to my wrist, waited for a signal, and the message popped up saying "low battery". I guess every runner needs to "run free" every now and then.

Since I wasn't going to have my Garmin to keep track of my distance, I decided on a usual route that I knew...a route that I haven't run in a few weeks. I have run this route so many times that I can actually imagine in my head the exact spots where my watch beeps to let me know another mile has gone by. I started out fast and decided just to go for it. The last half mile was difficult to keep the pace, but I finished with my usual sprint. It felt good...and it felt run that I wish I would have had my Garmin for. Which reminds me, I need to put him on the charger right now.

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