Friday, February 25, 2011

For the Love of Food

Seems like around this time every winter, I lose all self control. Maybe it's because I am all cooped up in a house and I swear I hear things calling my name from the cupboards in my kitchen. I have been trying to be ever so committed to my workout schedule...but my eating habits are in the crapper.

I realized just how bad things were when, on Sunday, I downed a whole box of Samoas (and maybe you will understand if you love samoas yourself) all. by. myself. As I was savoring the very last bite of the very last cookie in the box I had one of those ah-ha moments...okay maybe not, but my stomach did and it made sure that I wasn't going to do that least for the rest of that day.

When I came out of my sugar coma and back to my senses I realized when I had done...and, girls (or maybe just a single reader) the scale doesn't lie. I experienced a little eaters know, after you finish off that dessert at your favorite restaurant. You swore you were stuffed after your meal, but you just couldn't walk out the door without a taste...and then you ate the whole thing. You had to literally stuff the last bite in your mouth...because your parents always taught you that there are starving kids in Africa and you need to eat everything on your has stuck and to this day you can't stand wasting, the button on your pants is about to burst and you could hurl if you saw that dessert ever again...really, any other food for that matter. Anyway, I have gotten totally side tracked by reliving my last visit to On the Border. Forgive me. Where was I?

Oh yeah, I came out of my sugar coma and realized that these extra 5 that I have put on could very easily turn in to 10, 15, 20 and I am not about to go there. I have a hard enough time dropping five pounds these days. Any more is just too much hard work for me. It's been back to the grind. I have a splitting headache and feel a little bit shaky, but I know it will all be better soon. There's 6 boxes of girl scout cookies downstairs and I am wondering when the outta sight, outta mind things kicks in...but so far, so good.

I have traded convenience for quality...I would much rather grab two cookies than cut up an apple or peal an orange. Late night eating has taken it's toll on me too. I eat dinner with the kids and then enjoy another dinner with my husband when he gets home (because his cooking is way better than mine). I know my eating is the culprit, not inactivity, because 4 miles a day hasn't put a dent in maintaining my weight. So, here we go again...time to climb this slippery slope. Racing season is soon approaching and I need to be back down to where I was. I need a few more PR's this year!

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