Monday, March 28, 2011

A Beginning

When I started running almost 5 years ago, I intended to make it not only part of my life, but a part of my children's lives as well. I understand that not everyone is made to be a runner...and that might be true of my kids. But, I wanted to show them that physical fitness is important (whether it's running, biking, swimming) and Mommy is dedicated to keep herself in shape. It became part of our daily routine. We would get up, spend the morning playing, and then every single day at 10 AM I would load both K and L in the double jogger and head out for my 3 miles. They have grown up thinking that is just part of life...Mommy runs.

I don't know what sparked it, but my little princess asked me yesterday if I could help her "get in to running". Without hesitation my answer was obviously "yes". Since they are on Spring Break, it makes it all the more easier.

Well, today after lunch, my princess picked out her running outfit with extra care (although she's a tomboy...she has a really girly side too). I helped her tie up her shoes and we headed out the door. My littlest man wanted to ride his bike. My middle man, however, wanted no part of the physical activity and decided he was going to ride in the jogger. We walked to the end of the drive and we were off. I told my little girl to pace herself. It's not about how fast you can go, it's about going the distance set out before you. She did great for her first little only 6 years old. She was able to make it a half mile straight. After that we walked on and off another half mile home. Her goal is to be able to run a whole mile.

On the way back, I told her that we needed to finish strong. She wanted to stop so bad...but it was pretty cold out there and Momma just wanted to get home....C was complaining of frost bite and difficulty holding on to his handle bars...and L was comfy cozy. I thought back to when my family and I would ride about 20 miles on our family bike rides when I was little...and we swear that my little brother was all of 3 when my parents made him go the distance. Huge hills would be in my sight and my mom would start chanting, "I think I can, I think I can". Until we were all up. It's something I still run through my head when I want to quit....and I used it today too. I started chanting and we started to pick up a little speed. She held on to the jogger and we finished strong. She walked to the mailbox and then sprinted the rest of the way home. I was one. proud. momma.

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