Friday, September 16, 2011

Zip, Zero, Zilch

...Just some words that can be used to describe how many miles I have logged this week.  I can count on one hand the number of times I have had a week like this one in the past almost 6 years.  With my upcoming marathon it leaves me pretty concerned.  I don't know if I will even be able to get a long run in this weekend and I have my kidneys to thank...or my gene pool for that matter.  I was knocked down with what was thought to be a UTI...after having a miserable three days after visiting the immediate care, I found myself a primary care physician (I dislike doctors and haven't really been regularly since having my last son).  Diagnosis: kidney stone.  Luckily there were no clusters of them, it was not lodged somewhere, and there was no need for talk of surgical removal or stints (all of which pretty much every member on my mom's side of the family has been through).  So, I have just been sucking it up, laying in bed, and trying to flush my system out.   I woke up this morning, after the best nights sleep that I have had in over a week, feeling the best I have in over a week.  I am thinking I am on the mend, but don't want to get my hopes up of a long run this weekend just yet.  I am driven and determined and I might not let my body win on this one...we shall see.

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