Monday, June 21, 2010

Playin in the Mud

This past Saturday, a group of my running friends and I went and ran the Warrior Dash. If you haven't heard anything about it, the Warrior Dash is a 3.17 mile muddy race through 12 obstacles along the way. I was a little (okay, a lot) worried getting on the shuttle (a stinky school bus).

Jamie and me on the stinky school bus

When we arrived at the race, I was wondering what we had signed up for. Because of the wet weather that we've been having, there was no way around the mud, even off the course. You just have to embrace it.

The actual race was tough. It was a total body workout and the mud made every step harder...over cars, through tunnels, up steep muddy hills, across planks, through a swamp, over hurdles, up cargo nets, tires, rolling hills, over fire, under barbed wire. My least favorite part of the race was the swamp that smelled like manure (and it probably was). My favorite was the cargo net.

After I crossed the finish line holding the hand of my running buddy we waiting for the rest of us and walked to the "showers"...a tanker truck...which was almost as fun as the race.

If you don't mind getting a little dirty, you have got to try this race. It's definitely something I would love to do again!

The group after crossing the finish line...Don't we look like Warriors?!

*Results are in : I finished 102 out of 915 in my women's age group and averaged 9:44/mile! Pretty pleased with my time considering the obstacles and all the mud!!*

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