Friday, May 21, 2010

Ridin' Solo

I sold my beloved double jogger back in March and in April I found a single jogger in a town nearby on ebay for $20. I couldn't pass it up. Training and joggers really don't seem to go together for me. When training, I have a hard enough time keeping myself rolling and can't imagine pushing a jogger ten plus miles. But, since I am going to take in easy for a month or two it works out rather nicely for me.

So, here's my youngest riding solo.

In the fall when my other two start their first year of full day school, it will just be him and me. I got a taste of what it will be like yesterday and decided to take him on a run with me.

He's a talker and I really should have brought my headphones and something for him to do for the half hour we were gone. It was difficult to concentrate...but he was so very cute.

About a half mile in he started saying, "Good job, Mommy, good job." It put a smile on my face to hear him encouraging me.

I decided to take him out of our subdivision and down the road. When we turned out of our sub he started telling me that I was doing a bad thing. He told me to turn around because we were going to get in trouble and Daddy was going to be so mad at us. Apparently, my two year old is the boundary police...and yes, he did tell on me.

Around mile 2 when I started to slow down a bit, he started saying, "Go faster! We're going too slow."

It was tough pushing him and I couldn't keep a pace that I was hoping for, but he was good company and I am looking forward to making it part of our morning routine.

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