Thursday, May 27, 2010

Garbage Day and Dogs

I love that the sun is rising earlier so I can run outside earlier in the morning.

I had an eventful run this morning.

There are two things that I hate when running: garbage day and dogs that are not on a chain or a leash. And today was my lucky day because not only was it garbage day, I got chased by a big black dog.

I had forgotten what day it was when I walked out my front door and then I saw all of the trash cans lined up down the street like little soldiers standing at attention. Luckily, it was early and not many people were driving around so, for the most part, I stayed toward the middle of the road. The truck had not been around our sub yet so most every can was least the sun wasn't beating down on it or it would have been a lot more foul smelling.

I made it out of our sub and headed down the road to a neighboring one. When I entered the sub, I heard a dog. Now, when I hear a dog, I am instantly on high alert...because that dog could be running free. And this one was... a big, black dog. Then, I saw that he was running out of his yard toward me barking. Not a good sign. I tried to speed up. He must have saw something he liked better in the yard next to me because he disappeared behind the house in to the back yard. It was then that I prayed he would be hit by a car before I had to loop back by him...oops.

After that little scare was over, I heard the garbage truck and knew we would be crossing paths on a road up ahead. The truck was heading straight and I was about to make a left hand turn right in it's path or behind it if I didn't hurry up. So, I sped up a little and managed to get in front of it. I think it was incentive to speed up because I heard him chucking the garbage in his truck faster than what it seemed like before. Nothing is worse than being behind the truck. Now, I have this truck on my tail (not really, but it sure did sound like it) and I was rounding the loop and heading back toward the house with the dog on the loose.

I was relieved to see that the police had been called by the neighbor whose yard he ran in to instead of chasing after me. They had the dog under control...looked like he was off to doggy jail because the people weren't coming to the door. At least he wasn't hit by a car. :)

So, that's the story of my eventful run...and wouldn't you know, this is the morning I picked to go without my ipod.

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