Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Another Half

I am on a bit of a high right now. The last few weeks of training for my marathon, I was convinced that I hated running. I was going to give it up after May 1st because I had lost all love for the sport. It was no longer enjoyable...it was something I had to do. I was burnt out.

After crossing the finish line on Saturday, I could feel some of the enjoyment coming back. Although I was in pain and having some serious stomach issues, there was still hope.

When I woke up the next day, I knew that there was no way I was going to give up running. I felt great and felt like I could accomplish anything. So, I began looking for my next race.

I found it. On May 16th, I will be running the Rockford Half Marathon...and I am extremely excited. This one I am doing for fun...and to try and set a new PR for myself.

Goal: finish between 2:10 and 2:15.

I will never finish in first place, but I. will. always. finish.


Jamie said...

I feel the same way; I spent yesterday looking for more 1/2 and full marathons! Good luck - I'll be praying for you! Wish I could be there.

Jami said...

You are very inspiring! I am in the beginning stages of training for my first marathon. Right now my long runs are only 10 miles, but it is not easy for me! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Beth said...

Winged4Victory - Thank you and welcome! Try to soak in every minute of your training and enjoy it. It won't be easy, but running across that finish line is priceless. Keep going!! When is your marathon?