Thursday, June 9, 2011

To Motivate

Motivate - (v). Stimulate (someone's) interest in or enthusiasm for doing something

There are many things I want to be known for after I leave this earth. I really hope that one of the things is motivating those around me to live a more active lifestyle. I realize that not everyone was born to run a marathon...maybe not even run around the block...but I do believe that everyone has an obligation to their loved ones to live a healthy, active lifestyle. I hope by speaking to me, reading my blog, glancing at my status on facebook, or even emailing me to ask me a question about running gear, vitamins, or running in general I "stimulate an interest or enthusiasm" for getting active and being the best you can be. The sky is the just have to want to take that first step and keep putting one foot in front of the other when the going gets tough.

1 comment:

Hollie said...

Thanks, my Friend, for being my motivater!