Saturday, October 23, 2010

End of 2010 Racing Season

Even though I didn't run as many races as I wanted to this year, I am happy with the distances I was able to run. This racing season I started off with my first full marathon, followed by another half marathon, ran another 10 mile CRIM, ran my first marathon relay, and then finished it off with my second full marathon. I am a bit down that it's over already...that the colder weather is coming and I won't be able to run outside as much as I would like. It's time to start planning for next year and searching for races that I would like to run and hopefully I will have it all planned out before the end of the year.

Since this past Sunday, I was able to get right back at it on Tuesday and kept my distance up this week. I collected four extra pounds over the past month...I enjoyed my carbs a little too much. So, I was happy to step on the scale this morning to see that I have shed two of those...two more to go. I have a goal of at least one long run a month just to kinda keep what I have's amazing how quickly you can lose what you have built up (as far as endurance goes). For now, I am running for pleasure.

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