Friday, September 10, 2010

Routine and Up Coming...

School has started for my older two kids and my littlest and I have been hanging out, trying to get in to some sort of routine. Going to the gym at 4AM so I can get a workout in leaves me feeling really worn down by the end of the week...lately, most mornings, I don't even make it out of bed...I end up shutting off the alarm and going back to sleep. I have decided that twice a week, I will get up and go to the gym at four and while the weather is still nice, the rest of the week I will head out at 10AM with my running buddy (aka - my littlest man) in the jogger. So far, so good.

On the horizon as far as races go, I am getting ready for The Quad Cities Marathon at the end of September. For the first time, I will be running a marathon relay with four of my "running friends". We have all been given legs of the race and then finish together at the end. I want to make this the best five miles I have ever run...redemption after my disappointing CRIM finish. What ever the case, it should be fun to spend the weekend away with the girls.

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