Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ending the Year With a Bang

I could hardly believe what I was hearing.

My husband called me at work and said I had a message from Anytime Fitness. I wasn't going to return her call. A few minutes later, he called back saying that I should. So, I did.

She said she had exciting news for me. She told me that someone had come in today and purchased a membership for me...a gym membership for a whole year!! I really couldn't believe it and if I wouldn't have been at work, I seriously would have shrieked and maybe jumped up and down a few times.

I won't give up running in the snow (because I honestly love it), but I won't be running in the single digits anymore.

Who says that God doesn't answer when we ask him for our "wants"? I am blown away. And maybe by chance the "someone" is reading this...thank you. What a way to end the year.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gearing Up for The New Year

I like to plan out my races for the new year way ahead of time. It not only motivates me to keep running through the cold months but it also gets me excited about another running season.

February - Looking in to the Lake Geneva Winterfest 10K (How bout it Jamie and Hollie?)

May - Wisconsin Marathon - starting the season off with a bang. If I think about it for too long, I feel a panic attack coming on. I am hoping that I didn't bite off more that I can chew on this one. It will be my first marathon...hopefully not my last.

June - The annual 10K Milk Days run - It will be my third. I am hoping to get my best time yet considering I will be coming off of marathon training and when you've been running 20+ miles, what's 6.2...right? It's local, so I love it.

July - may just take it easy...or not. I plan on checking on Running in the USA as the month gets closer.

August - The CRIM (10 miles) - This will also be my third time running this race. The first year it kicked my butt. This past year, I came back and finished strong. I am hoping to have an even better year in downtown Flint. This won't be my last.

September - I did the Lansing Half Marathon this past year. Instead of traveling for another race, I plan on finding a half marathon closer to home...if I enjoy my marathon in May, I might even go bigger and do another marathon.

October - 10K Pumpkin Run - This will be my third year running this one also. This past year, I got my best 10K time on this course...hoping to squeak below that.

November - Hope to find a turkey run around here since we will be home for Thanksgiving.

There ya have it...there's my list. Anyone planned out their races for the upcoming season yet? Anyone have a goal of running their first race ever?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas to Me...

Christmas came a little bit early for me this it seems to every year because we just can't wait until the day. My husband took me to Sports Authority and let me pick out a winter running outfit. I decided on one from Nike. I was a little skeptical about how warm this stuff would actually be. I also hate spending money on myself and was just fine with the stuff I have been wearing...but, Dan insisted. :-) I picked out a couple things in a couple sizes and went to try them on. When I put on the outfit that I would later decide on, I started to was actually warm!

I have been running outside almost every day for the past two weeks. It has been brutally cold and I have had to dress in a ton of layers which makes me feel clumsy and heavy. Today, it was so nice to "feel" like myself again and not feel like I am dragging...not to mention that my outfit is a lot cuter than an old ratty sweatshirt and sweatpants that don't match.

So, this stuff from Nike is a definite thumbs up!

Friday, December 18, 2009

The two don't mix...

...Vitamins and coffee.

"It's bad to down vitamins with coffee. Because coffee is a stimulant, it revs up the gastrointestinal tract and makes things move more quickly through your body. You won't absorb all the nutrients from a capsule that is cruising through your system. You can still have that cup of coffee when you wake up in the morning. Just make sure you wait 10 to 15 minutes to pop your vitamins with a glass of water."

~taken from FITNESS advisory board member Mark Moyad.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A playlist suggestion...

My favorite part: Lace up your shoes...Run baby run!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


It's Tuesday again. I stepped on the scale this morning and I am down 2 pounds since last Tuesday. It made all of my hard work this past week seem worth it...I had a pretty miserable week running out in the cold...I think I will continue. :-)

I took a huge step last night and registered for my first marathon! So, I have basically signed my life away for the next 4.5 months. Juggling a training schedule like the one I am going to have along with everything else on my plate is going to be a challenge, but I am always up for a challenge. On May 1st, just a few days after I turn 28, I will be running and hopefully finishing my first 26.2 miles. It will help knowing that at this Marathon there will be cheesy potato stations and brats at the end...YUM!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Rules of Thumb

My favorite magazine, Runner's World, had 10 Running Rules of Thumb written in the latest edition. Here are a few of my favorites (with my input below the rule):

#3. If you have to ask yourself, are these shorts too short, they probably are.

Ugh. And why are the old guys always the worst offenders? Or the middle aged man with the mullet?

#5 You rarely regret runs you do; you almost always regret the runs you skip.

So true. I have never wished I wouldn't have run when all is said and done. I have often hated running while on my long runs, but never after. The hardest part is getting dressed and getting out there.

#6 Not everyone who looks fast is, and not everyone who looks slow really is.

I am guilty of sizing up my competition at races. I like to pick people out that I want to stay ahead of. Now, I usually don't do that until after the gun goes off and we are a mile in to it. I remember my first race, I picked out a heavier set, shorter girl at the starting line...and it turned out that she was way faster than I was. :-)

#9. Running any given route in the rain makes you feel 50% more hard-core than covering the same route on a sunny day.

There is just something about running in the rain...even something more about running in the snow that makes you feel more accomplished. Anyone can run when the weather is "perfect". You are not a true runner until you have run in the elements.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Two Evils

We have snow. I guess I have been in denial. This is, after all, December which means workouts usually get moved indoors where we live. I hate getting on my treadmill. It's about 6 years old, has a skinny little track, and rocks when I run on it.

Today, I just couldn't imagine doing four miles on the thing. I remembered that I had a shield for my jogger that I haven't used since Collin was a wee little guy. So, I bundled the boys up after taking Kait to school, and off we went. They thought it was pretty neat. I don't know what's worse...pushing almost 100 pounds through the snow or running on my treadmill facing a cement wall. :-) I did four miles today though, despite the weather.

Tuesdays are my weigh in days. I ran off my Thanksgiving damage and now have a goal of 5 more by the end of the month just in time to start my marathon training.

A few pics of my little sleigh riders for your enjoyment:

yes, those blobs are my boys.

I popped open the shield to get a closer look.

Monday, December 7, 2009


I have been crazy about apples the past few days. I have vowed to eat one a day for the rest of the month. I found this over at the Flat Stomach Blog (I can't get the link to work so it's

The 30 Benefits Of Eating An Apple A Day:

1.Apples contain vitamin C which helps boost your immune system.
2.Ripe apples contain around 80% water and almost no fat.
3.Apples will provide you with energy.
4.Apples are rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids contain antioxidants.
5.Because apples contain flavoinouds they can prevent coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease.
6.Apples are a great source of fiber and help to aid digestion and promote weight loss.
7.Apples contain phloridzin. This may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density.
8.Apples are low in calories. A typical apple will contain 70-100 calories, 0.36g protein and 0.23g fat.
9.Apples target multiple cancers such as colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer in women.
10.Apples contain phenols. Phenols reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.
11.Phenols also prevent LDL cholesterol from turning into oxidized LDL, a dangerous form of bad cholesterol.
12.Apples prevent tooth decay. The juice of the apple can kill around 80% of bacteria.
13.Apples are a low GI food so you don’t get that sugar high and then crash.
14.Apples are a great snacking option in between meals.
15.Apples have a high percentage of water in their make up which can help contribute to you daily water intake.
16.Apples contain substances called phytonutrients. These prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
17.Apples also contain quercetin. This may protect brain cells from the kind of free radical damage that may lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
18.Quercetin has also been found to help prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells.
19.People who eat 5 apples or more per week have lower respiratory problems, including asthma.
20.Children with asthma who drink apple juice on a daily basis suffer from less wheezing.
21.Apples contain Boron which strengthens bones.
22.Rats fed 6 apples per day reduced their breast cance risk by 44 percent (Cornell University).
23.Pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.
24.Pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body’s need for insulin and may help in the management of diabetes.
25.Apples are a great source of vitamins, minerals and other important chemicals.
26.Apples are also found to play a role in inhibiting age related problems, preventing wrinkles and promoting hair growth.
27.Apples contain potassium, which is needed for regulation of water balance and muscle function.
28.Apples are great for detoxifying the body.
29.Women who eat three apples a day lose more weight while dieting than women who do not eat fruit while dieting.
30.Apples taste great and come in may different varities!

Happy eating!


Saturday, December 5, 2009

26.2 in 16 weeks

I have a few goals for 2010. One of them being to finish my first marathon. It will probably be the ugliest race I have ever run, but I want that 26.2 really bad...and I will run one in May.

So, I have started to do my research. I can wing the other distances. All the others I have "trained" myself with no plans required. For this distance, I will need a plan. Most of what I am finding says that I can train for a marathon in 16 weeks...sounds good to me. It is kind of intimidating to look at the schedule that I printed out and see a long run being 18 miles...I can't imagine. The first two months of training will be difficult with the weather, but no pain, no gain.

First things first, I need to drop a little extra weight before I start training. Keeping your running at a steady level throughout the year counters the age-related weight gain that plagues most people (the average American gains one to 1.5 pounds a year after the age of 25). I have read that for each pound lost, it allows you to run 1-2 seconds faster/mile. Another theory is that every pound of body fat over ideal weight costs you 2.5 seconds. How true either of those are, I have no idea...but, the truth is, I am not at my ideal racing weight and I need to get there before training for this thing.

Any healthy goals for 2010?


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Keep going...

You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance.

~Lee Iacocca

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


This past month has been bad...really bad.

I have been sick...


sick again...




and you know what?

All of these things are really bad for trying to stay on this road.

Running has been hit and miss. Some days I have the energy and it feels like I have found myself again. Other days, it's all I have to keep running and finish the route I have set out on.

Eating...well, I have done a little too much eating of not so good for you things in not so good for you portions. And it wasn't just because of Thanksgiving. I have never considered myself a stress eater, but this month I was.

So, I have put on a few pounds and the jeans that I love are not fitting in a way that I love. I have made a pact with Hollie and this month will be different than the last. We have a plan, a set time, and set days.

So, here goes nothing...

Hope you guys (if there are any of you left out there) are staying on track. If not, join us this month and get back on this road.